Reasons to Learn English a Global ESL Academy in New York

The English language is the global language that connects people from different parts of the world and provides grounds for their communication. What people should know, it is a West Germanic language that evolved alongside England and is now used by millions of people. The global role of the English language has changed the lives of people immensely in the modern world in education, commerce international relations, diplomacy, and in traveling, and arts.

Language serves as the integrating factor because it breaks barriers across cultures for purposes of communication. Language, specifically English, is, however, deemed incredibly important for learners in present society as it provides them with a window through which they can access information, opportunities, and social circulation, especially when choosing Global ESL Academy in New York.

Importance of English Language

The real essence of English in people’s lives is hardly overstated in the world we live in today. Let us find out a couple of interesting reasons for the essence of English in one’s life.

Improve and Widen Employment Opportunities

Being able to speak English fluently is a valuable skill in today’s interconnected world, and English as a foreign language turns out to be quite an advantage as it can open doors for you in the international employment market. There is statistical validation, whereby the probability of an applicant being hired is higher just by having fluency in English on their CV/resumé.

It is also a popular assumption that those who are proficient in a second language, either through being bilingual or by taking language courses, can expect an increase in their pay of between 10% and 15%. One must bear in mind that some professions are most frequently in demand by English-speaking individuals because English is the lingua franca of many worlds and the primary language of communication within them.

English Makes It Easier to Travel

Indeed, as pointed out earlier, English is spoken in 53 countries as a first language and a second language in over 118 countries, thus making it easier to travel around when one masters the language with the help of the New York Academy for English. Indeed, information over the loudspeakers in airports, train schedules and information, emergency messages, and signs on streets are often in English when the native language adopted by a country is different from English; for instance, it uses a cyber alphabet. Of course, if you are traveling to a particularly foreign country, into a native language and culture, you are sure to stumble upon someone who has some fluency in English.

Increase Your Cognitive Ability

It is well established that learning a second language keeps the brain fit to work for a long time. Significant evidence reveals that the brain alters electrical patterns, shape, size, and even weight when learning a foreign language. It does not change in the same way when learning any other type of process or skill. Regardless of when an individual begins studying a new language apart from the first, there are advantages to this.

Research also indicates that the onset of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed later in bilinguals than in monolinguals. Evidence also reveals that people who know more than one language should have a better memory than those who know only one language and that bilinguals are more cognitive than those who know only one language.

Start a Life in an English-Speaking Country

There are two more reasons to learn English, and one of them is the possibility of moving to an English-speaking country. In many countries gaining citizenship in an English-speaking country may require one to pass certain English standards. You will also get a job more often because you know how to speak and comprehend English with the help of an English Program in the USA, and it will also facilitate communication with people around you – in the store, with doctors, with friends, and even neighbors.

Improve Your Confidence

To be able to speak a foreign language is a popular and very desirable trait, irrespective of the reason for this skill. The last advantage of learning English or any other foreign language, therefore, is the pride and self-confidence that a person gets when he knows that his language skills can take him and enable him to work and explore the world in any country and communicate with people of different caliber and standard of living. In the world of today, self-confidence can get you really far, and they are absolutely right that only mastering a new and useful language can bring this self-confidence.

Enhancing Communication Skills

Whenever you take up to learn the language English as your second language, then you learn to take up new ways of thinking and expressing yourself both in written and verbal abilities. Learning to take up numerous languages can assist you in communicating transparently in the languages while learning a lot about the way this language would work and the ways to use them to communicate with others across different types of educational, social, and professional settings.

Learn English Like a Pro

Enrolling in the Global ESL Academy in New York to learn English will notably boost your language expertise, aiding you in attaining your goals of learning this language. At the New York English Center, we have a team of qualified and experienced teachers and a huge learning space equipped with modern resources and facilities, including versatile English learning programs. Ensure to opt for a recognized and accredited center backed by the right teaching method and extensive curriculum that matches your learning objectives, rendering extensive support to the students.

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